

In order to offer an extra service to our customers, we added recently edible boletus to our range.

The boletus is highly appreciated in many countries as Switzerland, the Middle East but also in Europe it finds easy it’s way to it’s fans.

We sell these boletus as a whole as well as in cubes. Our clients can choose between whole boletus 0-6 cm as well as 6-10 cm. Boletus cubes are available in 2 x 2 to 3 cm.

On request from the customers, we pack them all in 5 x 1 kg.

The boletus is coming mostly from East Europe, from countries as Lithuania or Romania. But also in the rest of Europe and North America you can find this delicacy. It grows from July untill November.

Boletus are beloved by many chefs in their creations. They are used in soups, pasta dishes, risotto’s, they are delicious with small and big game,…

Sometimes they are also dried which highlights it’s unique flavour even more.